Principal's Message
(Dr. Ravindra singh)
It gives me the immense pleasure that SIMS is an institue in chandausi established by a renowed Indusrtialist Shri Shiram Agarwal Ji, which has pionered in Mangement, Techonlogy & Science Education.
Since its inception the Institute is trying to establish itself as a new brand in the field of career building courses such as BBA, BCA and B.Com.(Hons.) & B.Sc. (Home Science).
The programme of SIMS is adored by the society with high respect and as such, its demands from each one of us in the institute hold high standards of education. We train our students in such a way to acquire world class knowledge, necessary skills and capability so that they are gets ready for higher studies such as MBA,MCA,M.Sc.(Home Science), CA,CS etc. in most prestigious Institute of India.
SIMS also develops the quality in its students according its word meaning.
S- Sincerity I- Innovate M- Motivate S-Success
The faculty Memebers of SIMS endeavor to inspire and empower our student to be a lifelong leaner, critical thinker & productive in the pursuit of excellence in holistic students centered environment.
So from the day of establishment due to hard work out by the Management, Director, Faculty & Staff the Institueb to some extent has achieved its goal, but still we have to go a long way. Besides class room teaching we emphasize upon Extra- Curricular activities to shape the personality of the students.
I am confident that SIMS will always beacon of light guiding the density of its students while readiating kindness and compassion as its scores high in its pursuit of professionalism....